Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dress Up Fun

So I'm a wee bit addicted to pinterest. It inspires me to be creative and think outside the box.  I have seen one pin in particular that really got me excited. It was an idea to take pictures of your daughter in your wedding dress to save for her special day. I love this idea, what a better way to reuse your wedding dress.
Now, normally it's like pulling teeth to get my daughter to stop and pose for me. Give her a dress bigger than her and she's all over it. Really lots of fun! Thinking of offering a special on it down the road, thought anyone?

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Walk In The Park

I love meeting new people through my photography and last weekend I got the opportunity to meet and take pictures of the Hood family. Although the wind was chilly and blew at the most inopportune times, I enjoyed taking pictures in the big city of Calgary. A great experience all around! Thanks guys!

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