Friday, September 10, 2010

Farwell Summer

Although it seems as if summer was never really here in the first place, it has once again come and gone in a hurry. Or maybe I was just in a hurry and didn't notice it was here. Either way, it is nearing an end and now that my six year old is back in school, I have realized that I haven't touched my blog in quite some time. I've done a few shoots, so I will give you a summary of the summer in a few pictures. As always, most of my work is posted on facebook so if you're really starving for some more, there are lots to choose from there! This weekend I will be working on a selection of prints I will be putting up for sale. Prices and sizes will be posted when the picture gallery itself is posted. Next month I start up my day home but I will continue to work on my photography as time allows. I have plenty spots open so book your family pictures for those Christmas cards, it's not as far away as you think!!
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