Sunday, February 27, 2011

Project 365 - Day 27

Wow, finally caught up with my posts. Here is todays picture, one of many pictures of my son in a hat.
No matter how many times I see him try on a hat, I still think it's adorable.

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Project 365 - Day 26

So my Mommy made me a birthday dinner this weekend seeing as we didn't really get to hang out on my actual birthday weekend. She made me a wonderful stir fry dinner (I never get to eat it because no one else likes it in this house except maybe the kids) and bought me some cake pops that I have been wanting to try. They were so delicious and I will probably be making them for the kids birthdays from now on. MMMMM!!!! Thanks again Mommy! xo

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Project 365 - Day 25

This was the next day on the opposite end of the couch. I don't know how long this will last but if I can capture it on film maybe I can show them one day when they are getting on each others nerves! lol

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Project 365 - Day 24

They love each other and I love that!

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Project 365 - Day 23

Well finally a baby belly pic. Not the greatest but when all you have is the camera timer and a limited amount
of shots without a double chin or awkward face, this is what you get. This is why I am behind the camera all the time...I'm like a female version of Chandler when I get my picture taken.

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Project 365 - Day 22

Nothing like a nice bowl full of jello and a purple beard to match! After unsuccessfully washing it off with a face cloth, a good soak in the tub with a bar of soap did the trick thank goodness!

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Project 365 - Day 21

Jack Nicholson? Is that really you? lol

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Project 365 - Day 20

This is my husband modeling his beanie that he made. He even created the pattern himself with an extra long brim. Although this is not really the way it should be worn, it does bring out an attractive side of my husband...NOT! lol

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Project 365 - Day 19

I've got the sewing bug...I made a ton of things but here is a camera strap cover I made for a friend.

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Project 365 - Day 18

Drinking your bottle is always more interesting when Grandpa's around!

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Project 365 - Day 17

Wow...a little here goes.
Day 17 Tanner loooves hats. This is Mikhayla's toque and he wears it every chance he gets. Which is a lot since Mikhayla likes to leave her stuff everywhere! lol

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Project 365 - Day 16

A little timer action...the bad part of being a photographer is usually the only time there are any pictures taken of me is when the timer is set. I guess a project for tomorrow will be perhaps a belly shot?

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Project 365 - Day 15

Day 15 - His new nickname is Mr.T....get it? Tanner? Mr.T? The big necklace? If anything, at least I think I'm funny!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Project 365 - Day 14

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Here are a few, since I can't decide:

 A cupcake is just not edible until it is squashed several times.

 Not to brag or anything, but I made some delicious cupcakes.
Just sayin'...

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Project 365 - Day 13

So while my daughter was laying in bed, reading her stories...
my son was helping Mom put away clothes...only, he was putting the clean clothes in the laundry basket!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Project 365 - Day 12

Day 12 - My daughter and I were goofing around
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Project 365 - Day 11

Day 11 - A little tradition for Valentine's Day, I make heart shaped cookies. This year I used a different recipe, but they taste just as good. While my sick little man slept the morning away, Mikhayla and I baked cookies. This is what we ended up with. Mmmmmmm!!

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Project 365 - Day 10

Day 10 - On. Off. On. Off. It's the funnest game EVER! I love my kids, there's never a dull moment! :)

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Project 365 - Day 9

Day 11 - So Tanner wanted to help me out, he grabbed his toy and started pushing it around with me. It was so cute! If only I could train him with the real vacuum!

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Project 365 - Day 7 and 8

Today I am on the ball and already have lots of pictures for day 8. As for yesterday...well I had both kids crawl in at 5:30AM, they wanted to talk and play. They finally fell asleep about an hour later, shortly before my alarm went off to get up. Enough of my we go:
Day 7 -  Rise and shine!! This is what the two culprits who woke me up were doing at 7am, my turn to wake them up!
Day 8 - Someone was hungry and wanted a snack, so he found one :)

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Project 365 - Day 4, 5 and 6 : )

So I fell a little behind this we go!
Day 4 - Tanner doesn't feel that sitting in his chair in the upright position is
as comfortable as it is this way!

Day 5 - Mikhayla's dance recital! She made me so proud! She's more a ham now than she's 
ever been before and I LOVE it!
Day 6 - So I now sell Avon and I absolutely loooove these arm socks for kids.They're so
fun! I bought a demo for Mikhayla to show off and had to take a picture.
This girl wouldn't stay in one pose for more than two seconds and her attention span
for being a model varies depending on the day....and today it was a short one! So without
using my flash, this is what I got : )

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project 365 - Day 3

Day three, a bit of a yucky day for Tanner and I but I still managed to get a few good shots. This time, I have chosen a photo of my daughter, Mikhayla, showing off her brand new hair do that she let Daddy cut yesterday. She looks great. I am a little sad that she looks so grown up. It's silly how attached one gets to a hair style and even though I will probably never (or at least not for a long long time) get my hair cut really short. I do want a change, just not too drastic, it took a long time for me to grow my hair as long as it has been and for now I will live vicariously through my daughter's hair!

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Project 365 - Day 2

Oh there were too many pictures I could have used today! Though I truly regret not taking my camera in the van with me to Olds. Watching my son walk around in his winter gear, everywhere but where I walk...priceless!!
Here's my picture of the day, no big story behind it, just watching my son play and getting nothing but cuteness from him!

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Project 365 - Day 1

So I really think that Project 365 is such a great idea! Inspiring us to pick up those camera and take at least one picture for the day. I love it. Unfortunately, I kind of missed out on the Project 365 for 2011, so here is my own Project 365 for my 28th year, starting today on my birthday! :) 
This was my son, a grumpy teething little monster today. Being sick on your birthday is bad enough, but dealing with a sick, teething little man is even more challenging! Here is a rare moment, trying to get him to relax on my bed and getting no where!

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