Sunday, February 6, 2011

Project 365 - Day 4, 5 and 6 : )

So I fell a little behind this we go!
Day 4 - Tanner doesn't feel that sitting in his chair in the upright position is
as comfortable as it is this way!

Day 5 - Mikhayla's dance recital! She made me so proud! She's more a ham now than she's 
ever been before and I LOVE it!
Day 6 - So I now sell Avon and I absolutely loooove these arm socks for kids.They're so
fun! I bought a demo for Mikhayla to show off and had to take a picture.
This girl wouldn't stay in one pose for more than two seconds and her attention span
for being a model varies depending on the day....and today it was a short one! So without
using my flash, this is what I got : )

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